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Elevate Your Coaching Potential with DigitalMentors:

Transform Your Expertise into Impact, Income & Legacy.

Experience a Thriving Private Community, an All-in-One Business Platform, and Comprehensive Marketing & Business Coaching for Modern Coaches.


Welcome To DigitalMentors

DigitalMentors provides a supportive and nurturing environment to help you build, grow, and scale your coaching business.  Whether you struggle with finding clients, dialing in your marketing message, wrangling technology, or you simply need help with staying focused on the activities that produce results, we can help.

When you join our community, you’ll learn a “fast-track” 7-step framework from marketing experts who have generated more than $60 million in sales of coaching programs, digital education products, and subscription memberships. 

If you have dreamed of building a business where you're getting paid to share your knowledge, skills, and experience with others, then you are in the right place.  The path forward is clear, precise, affordable and accessible.  

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Empowering Your Digital Mentorship Dream

Transforming Your Knowledge into Income
Has A Few Common Hurdles...


    Many jump into the coaching and digital courses arena with passion but without a clear plan or understanding of the journey ahead.


    Tools like Kajabi, Teachable and Thinkific are powerful, but without the right foundation, they’re just tools. True success demands more—coaching, strategy, and mentorship.

    Generic strategies fail to address your unique strengths, challenges, and the specific needs of your ideal audience.

    Understanding your niche market and how to effectively communicate your value is one of the top challenges that coaches face. 



The DigitalMentors Difference

Sharing your expertise is more than seeking financial independence; it’s about making a real difference. Yet, the journey begins amidst excitement and doubt—questions of capability, time, resources, and fear of failure loom large. But what if you had clear guidance & a nurturing community to help your navigate these challenges?

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and transform your expertise into a legacy of positive impact and income? 

Introducing The


We created this special program to help you to answer these questions and more. This is a program of discovery. The first thing you’ll learn here is that you are not embarking on this path alone. Your courage, determination, and unique perspective are inspiring, and there’s a community here that believes in the power of your ideas.

This journey is about transforming your expertise into a force that not only aligns with your core values but amplifies your impact on the lives of others. It’s about turning your aspirations into reality, creating change, and achieving the rewards you rightfully deserve.  You have something incredible to offer, and the world is eager to benefit from it.

There Are 4 Core Components To The
Digital Mentor Revolution Program


DigitalMentor™ Compass Questionnaire & Guide

Your program begins here.  A highly customized and personalized guide that is uniquely created just for you.  We use highly refined A.I. algorithms that are trained on our DigitalMentors framework to assess your responses and provide you with an in-depth 20 page road-map.



Personalized Introduction

Your Customized Mentorship Kick-Start: Tailoring your digital mentorship journey with a unique introduction that sets the stage for your success.

Personalized Expertise Snapshot

Discover the strengths and unique qualities you bring to the table with a detailed analysis of your expertise areas. This snapshot highlights your potential impact and guides the direction of your mentorship focus.

Sample Market Messaging Ideas

Cut through the noise with compelling messaging strategies tailored to your expertise. We provide examples of how to communicate your value effectively, ensuring you resonate with your target audience.

Ideas for Overcoming Buyer Resistance

Tackle common objections head-on with proven tactics. This section arms you with strategies to convert skepticism into trust, opening doors to meaningful engagements and successful conversions.

Core Values Exploration

Align your digital business with your deepest beliefs. Through a thoughtful examination of your core values, we help ensure your business not only succeeds but also reflects what's most important to you.

"I don't know how you guys trained the AI so well, but what it sent me is GOLD!"

Your DigitalMentors™ Success Portal

Unlock exclusive access to your Personalized Success Portal, a dynamic digital workbook designed to propel your journey as a Digital Mentor. Geared toward guiding you through the first 3 phases of our proven framework, it’s your companion in transforming your expertise into a thriving digital mentorship business, equipped with everything you need to succeed, one step at a time.



Customized Learning Experience

Access video tutorials and exercises tailored to guide you through the first three phases of our framework, all in a user-friendly, digital format.

Interactive Progress Tracking

Utilize dynamic exercises and integrated progress tracking to apply learning in real time and visually monitor your advancement through the program.

Comprehensive Resource Hub

Find all necessary tools, templates, and resources in one place, designed to complement your learning and streamline your journey.


The Digital Mentor Revolution Workshop

Embark on the transformative Digital Mentor Revolution Workshop—a dynamic, one-day virtual event that turns your mentorship vision into an actionable strategy. Through your Personalized Success Portal, experience a hands-on exploration of our proven framework for launching and growing your mentorship business. Discover the steps behind our successful clients and define your unique value, laying the groundwork for real achievement.



The Workshop Experience: Where Aspiration Meets Action

This isn't just another seminar. It's a dynamic, interactive experience that brings the entire Digital Mentor Revolution Program to life. Here, you'll apply what you've learned in real-time, laying down the actionable steps toward your successful digital mentorship venture. Surrounded by a community of like-minded individuals, you'll find the inspiration, motivation, and support to turn your vision into reality.

Unlock the Blueprint for Digital Mentorship Success

Dive deep into the Digital Mentors™ 9-Step Framework, a proven roadmap that has catalyzed over $60M in sales for our clients. This session isn't just about theory; it's a practical guide to transforming your expertise into a lucrative digital mentorship business.

Discover Your Niche and Ideal Client

Pinpointing your unique market space is crucial, and this workshop makes it achievable. Through targeted exercises, you'll identify where your passion meets demand, learning to carve out a niche that not only stands out but also deeply connects with those you aim to serve.

Craft Irresistible Offers and Value Propositions

Move beyond generic services to create compelling, tailored offers that truly speak to your audience's needs. This workshop equips you with the insights to design offers that are not just attractive but downright irresistible, ensuring your mentorship business becomes a beacon for your ideal clients.

Strategize for Impact and Income

The journey from aspiring digital mentor to industry leader is filled with potential pitfalls. This workshop serves as your compass, guiding you through crafting a strategic roadmap tailored to your goals. With personalized exercises and AI-enhanced insights, you'll leave with a clear plan to scale your business, enhance client engagement, and maximize earnings.


The Pathfinder Call

The Pathfinder Call is a celebratory milestone in the Digital Mentor Revolution Program, designed to refine your strategy and ensure readiness for the journey ahead. With a clear understanding of your market, niche, ideal customer, and compelling message, this call offers personalized guidance to integrate these elements into a coherent plan. It's your moment to gain clarity, ask critical questions, and leave with a tailored action plan that aligns perfectly with your goals, ready to make your digital mentorship vision a reality.



Strategy Refinement and Review

Solidify your understanding and strategy, focusing on integrating your market insights, niche, ideal customer profile, and unique value proposition into a cohesive action plan, ensuring you're fully prepared to launch your mentorship venture.

Irresistible Offer and Messaging Mastery

Hone your initial offer and marketing message with expert guidance to ensure they resonate deeply with your target audience, setting the stage for effective engagement and differentiation in the digital space.

Actionable Roadmap with Clarity and Confidence

Conclude the call with a clear, actionable roadmap tailored to your ambitions, equipped with the strategies and confidence needed to navigate your path to success as a digital mentor.

"I am forever grateful that i had the oppportunity to receive a strategy session with Brian Fanale. He has a rare and priceless gift in his ability to see what is unique about someone’s business that they may be taking for granted. Then he can envision a business growth plan for capitalizing and monetizing quickly on that unique expertise. With his suggestions, i was able to scale up and make 5 figures a month in record time after years of struggle."

We’ve left nothing to chance.  If you are ready to discover how to turn your experience, skills, passion, or expertise into income while making a difference in the lives of others, then reserve your place in the Digital Mentor Revolution Program.

The real-world value of this program easily exceeds 10X what we are charging for it.  This is our intention. We want this to be an absolute no-brainer for the right people. We wanted it to be accessible to anyone exploring a future where they transform what they know into value for others and income for themselves.

  • icon-rocket
    $49 Value
    There is nothing else like it.  Get instant feedback on your expertise, target market, ideal customer, marketing message, offer framing, and core values alignment.
  • icon-computer
    $99 Value
    This is the home base for your journey. It’s yours during the program and after. It’s where you complete tasks and access program resources.
  • icon-cert
    $299 Value
    This is the home base for your journey. It’s yours during the program and after. It’s where you complete tasks and access program resources.
  • icon-call
    $99 Value
    This is the home base for your journey. It’s yours during the program and after. It’s where you complete tasks and access program resources.
A total real-world value of $645
Today the cost of the Digital Mentor Revolution Program is only


Transformations in Their Own Words

Discover How Aspiring Mentors are Turning Their Dreams into Reality with DigitalMentors

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I cannot thank you enough for the time and support you have given me for this massive transition to the new software hub. I have made more progress in the past few months than I have the entire time I've been working online! 

Cindy Brockway
Personal Coaching Specialist
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Within three months, I had hit those five figures and now I'm able to generate it month after month after month, am I pleased with making the decision to receive training, guidance support as well as the tools from digital mentors. It is the best decision I have ever made.

Stacey Hall
Author, Speaker, Coach
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I want to give a shout out to Brian, Jim, and Norbert. I made over 10k in the business center in January from the offer you guys helped me create.You guys are the best in world at what you do. Thank you!

Eric King
Award Winning Speaker, Best-Selling Author & Entrepreneur

“I set a goal to hit 5-figures with one of my programs, and within 3 months I had hit those 5-figures! And now I’m able to generate it month after month after month.”

Stacey Hall

Digital Creator and Best-Selling Author

“From one workshop I generated about $50,000 worth of income over the next 12 months. I love you, thank you - I am finally earning income from what I’m supposed to be doing!”

Joshua Phair

Digital Mentor and Creator

“I’m a chiropractor, I’ve been in practice for 40 years… I’ve got at least a ‘minimum viable product’ out there that’s selling. I’ve been stuck for a month - I’m unstuck now!”

Dr. Lewis Meltz

Chiropractor, California

“I cannot thank you enough for helping me to get my knowledge out into the marketplace, I am so freaking grateful. I’ve made more money in the last month than I used to make in 3 years!”

Erin Birch

Digital Creator & Mindset Coach

“It was taking me 10x as long to do something you guys helped me do in a day or two. Attracting those types of clients, it’s a different level from where I’ve been before. It’s a really solid roadmap that’s easy for people to follow and is not overwhelming.”

Judy Cirullo

Digital Mentor and Coach in the Healthcare Arena

“We’re a family here - There is no other group of people like Brian, Norb, Jim and the community that will help you put a course or coaching program together that’ll work with you.”

Eric King

Digital Mentor & Elite Sales Coach

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Embrace a future where your knowledge shapes lives and drives your success. With our step-by-step guidance, comprehensive resources, and a vibrant community of mentors, you’re never alone.